?59 Whisky jar collection by residents in sheltered housing at Brielen Court, Radcliffe-on-Trent. They set the ball rolling again by paying to guess how much they had collected. ?959.58 and ?500 c/o of Paul Smith. ?805 in memory of Alan Mee ... ?500 Parkers Merchanting, Queens Drive Industrial Estate, Nottingham. ?500 Wigman Ladies Club summer fair. ?42.50 Wakefield family party. ?70 Mrs Lawson and Margaret Freeman who held a teddy tombola at Woodbrough Street market ...
We'll look forward to hearing more when you're up for it...in the mean time we'll be praying for Sidney, Ivy, Mitchell, Luke, and Briellen to be sweet little fighters! =) Feel free to contact me with anything! Jen and The Crew .... We just returned from vacation and saw the great news. Everyone is absolutely beautiful!!! Hang in there and enjoy every wonderful moment with your babies. We look forward to seeing your updates in the future. The Gephart Family ...
?59 Whisky jar collection by residents in sheltered housing at Brielen Court, Radcliffe-on-Trent. They set the ball rolling again by paying to guess how much they had collected. ?959.58 and ?500 c/o of Paul Smith. ?805 in memory of Alan Mee ... ?500 Parkers Merchanting, Queens Drive Industrial Estate, Nottingham. ?500 Wigman Ladies Club summer fair. ?42.50 Wakefield family party. ?70 Mrs Lawson and Margaret Freeman who held a teddy tombola at Woodbrough Street market ...